A Home Away from Home
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A Home Away from Home

Several weeks ago, a dear family friend of mine suffered a devastating stroke. For a few days, his family members didn’t know if he would survive this event. Thankfully, he did. Now, he is undergoing the slow recovery process in a nursing home. Since his stroke, his family has been amazing. They visit him daily at the nursing facility. They have even decorated his room in an effort to make him feel like he is at home. If your loved one has recently been admitted to a nursing home, don’t despair. You may be able to help your loved one adjust to this living situation better by being supportive. On this blog, you will discover the ways to make your loved one’s transition to a nursing home easier.

A Home Away from Home

Activity Directors: How To Get Your Interim Rehab Patients Involved

Johnny Rodriguez

Activity directors have a huge role to play in nursing homes, assisted living communities and other facilities of similar nature. Although older people don't expect to need to stay in a facility like this, the truth of the matter is that they most likely will. If it isn't when they grow significantly old and can't take care of themselves, it may be for a short-term rehab stint following a surgery on a hip, knee or other part of the body. This is where it can get tricky for activity directions, because you need to develop a different approach for them that focuses more on health and well-being rather than anything else. Here are a few activities to help you get started:

Let Them Get Some Fresh Air.

No one likes to be cooped up inside all the time, so why not let your temporary rehab patients get outside and breathe in some fresh air? Let them feel the sun beating down on their face. This can be particularly rejuvenating for them, even if it is just for a short while.

Pamper Them.

Interim residents who are only in the facility for rehabilitation after an injury will be sore. This is especially true at the beginning of the stay. They are going to want and need to rest. Rather than allowing them to sit in their room all alone with nothing to do, pamper them a bit. Take them a newspaper each morning and a magazine each afternoon. You could even take them a special snack every now and then.

Set Up a Cooking Class.

Many older individuals enjoy cooking. Some might even get a thrill out of teaching others how to cook one of their favorite meals. You could set up a cooking class or demonstration that will help them retain their motor skills and help them practice the skills that they will need to be familiar with again when they are well enough to return home at the end of their rehabilitation program.

Ultimately, the key with short-term rehab senior citizens is to let them know that they are valued even though they aren't a long-term resident. You also want to be able to help them maintain their independence while offering plenty of choices in terms of activities. This helps them feel better about themselves and doesn't make them think that they are going to be staying at the facility longer than necessary. Plus, they'll remember how well they were treated, and when the time comes, they may choose your facility as their permanent home. Click here for more information on short-term rehab facilities.
